You must be wondering: I’m a Trekkie, how can I choose?
An understandable response. Star Trek is amazing. Star Trek in any of its universes (Prime, Reboot, Mirror, etc) is the lifeblood of fans everywhere. Can any fan ever have enough? Why should fans cease to want more?
With the franchise returning to the small screen in a matter of days, my curiosity has increased. How excited are you for Star Trek: Discovery? Does it matter that it follows the Prime universe? Is anyone bemoaning the lack of news for the fourth Reboot movie rather than awaiting Discovery? Such thoughts led me to question my own desires when it comes to Star Trek. Is my excitement for this new cast of Star Trek characters truly on par with the pins-and-needles I felt just last year in anticipation of Rebooted Kirk & Crew’s return in Beyond? What defines ‘fresh’ material? New faces to old characters, or new characters altogether?
As a fan who was introduced to Trek through the 2009 movie but strengthened her love of Trek by falling for the charming crew of The Original Series, I like to claim that I see the value in both versions. Yes, I may love Dr. McCoy slightly (that’s very slightly) more in TOS than AOS. I may laugh at Shatner’s Kirk launching into a barrel roll to escape a Gorn but cheer at Pine’s Kirk doing the same thing to avoid the dastardly grip of Krall. I may enjoy Quinto-Spock being more in tune with his emotions yet want to cuddle emotionally constipated Nimoy-Spock and assure him that he can be just whoever he needs to be.
The comparisons go on. So to answer this question personally – which universe do I love more? – I would literally have to make a list called Which ‘Verse Does It Better and detail every nuance between TOS and AOS. Then rank those nuances based on how much the scale tips one way or the other.
That’s way too much work, my friends. Therefore let’s say it depends on my mood – and of course proceed to expect more from you as it relates to assessing one’s love for Star Trek.
Think about it. Which do you love more, and why? I am very curious to know!
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- The Vision Behind SpaceTrio – April 8, 2017
- Why We Love Them – April 8, 2017
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